What Is Templatt?

Welcome! If you’re reading this, you’re looking for fun, adorable, party printables. Well, you’re in the right place! But, “what is this “Templett” you speak of?” you might ask. Because our printables are digital, you have the ability to edit the text on an item and print it yourself, either at home on a color printer or at a print shop or photo lab. Many shops now offer printable items but we offer an even better, more user friendly process - party printables that are editable in the FREE TO USE Templett app. Still not sure what Templett is? Let’s take a look…
Traditionally, when you purchase a printable template it would be in pdf form. You would then have to download the latest version of Adobe Reader to open the file and download all of the fonts that the designer used in order to make your design look exactly like theirs. Not to worry though! Now there’s a better way. Templett is a design app that allows you to edit your files right in your browser with no programs to download and no fonts to install!
Here’s how it works:
Step 1 – Browse our designs, add the item(s) that you love to your cart and check out.
Step 2 – Check your email for a message from Templett.com. Click the link in the email to set up your Templett account. (Don’t worry, this step is short and sweet!)
Step 3 – You can now start editing your template(s). Each template has easy to follow, step-by-step instructions so that you can quickly and easily edit your items and be on your way to printing! Which brings us to the last step…
Step 4– PRINT! You have the option to save your files as jpeg, pdf or png depending on what works best for you. You can print your items at home on your own color printer or take them to a print shop.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy!
Take Templett for a Test Run! Editable items in the shop have a demo set up so you can try before you buy. Demo links can be found on each item page in the description or you can try it here:
Click here to try the Templett app.
Click here to try the Templett app.
If you get stuck, not to worry. We’re here to help. Just message us and we’ll walk you through the process.